Maggie - Adopted September, 2008

October 2008 - Maggie's mom sent in an update on her wonderful girl:

Ron said last night I should write you after having Maggie for one week. Well, we feel like she has been here for a long time!

She is so comfortable with our home and she has to be in what ever room I am in and if I sit down she has to be in my lap.

She goes outside for her bathroom habits and we do not have to have her on a leash, we just stand at the door and she goes out and wants to get right back into the house.

She has done nothing wrong, she is nothing but affection and love. Everyone thinks she is so cute and sweet. She is more my dog and wants to be with me. She does sit in Ron's lap and will go outside with him, but she mostly wants to be with me.

She likes her dog food and treats and she likes licking our plates after a meal. She does not beg, but just sits there to see if she gets something.

She sleeps on the foot of the bed until I get up which is anywhere from 5:45 to 7 am. After she eats she runs right back to the bedroom and jumps on the bed with Ron and he gets up at 7:30 am.

She gets lots of exercise running up and down the stairway, if I go down she runs down also.

She seems so happy and content.

We like that she barks when someone comes, she is better then a door bell.

After supper every night I take her for a 20 minute or so walk, and she sure walks well.

As you can tell I think Maggie likes her "forever home" as much as we love having her in our home.

Ron tells everyone she is such a good dog and has such a cute personality.

I am gone about 2 mornings a week, as I have volunteered for about 16 years in the Hudson Hospital cardiac rehab. dept. with the patients. Ron is usually home but one morning he was turkey hunting, so she was alone about 2 hours and she was good, only the blanket was on the floor that was on a couch. We were to church and she was home about a hour and a half and everything was fine. So she is trustworthy being in the house alone.

All the training you gave her, is still in effect and we thank you for giving her training and love.

As you can tell this Maggie is a perfect match for her and us. We will have so many hours of enjoyment from having her. We are so glad that you approved of us for adoption. She means everything to us.