Tess - Adopted July, 2008

Tess with her new twin sister, Moppins

August 2008 - Tess' mom sent in an update on her beautiful new girl:

Tess is adjusting wonderfully and we learn more about her every day! She and my 1-year-old dog Moppins have acted liked twin sisters from the very beginning, which gives our older dog Peaches a break. Tess loves going for a walk each morning and then spending the day sleeping and playing outside with Moppins. She seems so happy in our big backyard, where she can watch squirrels and birds for hours on end. She also has a great time running around the dog park, making friends with all the other dogs and people. She has gotten so good at finding us in the park and coming when she hears my whistle. At night, she sleeps on my bed with me and Moppins. My bed is brown and white….just like both the girls so it is quite a sight when we go to sleep! She has won over all of my friends and family with her sweet personality. She will go from person to person to be petted, and she is so gentle with my niece and nephews. We couldn't love Tess more and I'm pretty sure she likes us a lot too! Thank you so much to her foster parents for taking such great care of Tess and waiting for the perfect home for her.