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- Finding Life-Long Homes for Rescued Dogs -

Sophie - Adopted June, 2007

Sophie's new dad says: Sophie is a great pet. She came to us a little shy, but it did not take long for her to make herself at home and make me very happy! She is a great delight to have around, she is friendly and outgoing. All of my family members love her!

He also sent in an illustrated Happy Ending story for her:

Sophie’s first day at her new home. Sophie was a little shy when she first got here, but it did not take long to make friends.

Here is Sophie exploring her new surroundings. Oh look, there is a big blue ball. I wonder if I can play with it?

It’s so big, I can barely get it into my mouth. Maybe when I get older I’ll be able to play with it.

Oh, I am so happy with my new home! I have a back yard of my very own - I can run, jump, and chase around. I can play with my toys and look for squirrels, rabbits, and birds. Oh, what fun!

Where did my new dad go? I hope he didn’t go inside; I want him to throw my toys so I can fetch them! Bow wow, come back! There he is – boy, I am so excited!

Did someone say treats? I like them, even better than dirt and grass!

I’ve been playing all morning; now I’m ready to go take a nap!

I’ll watch a little TV with my new dad before I take a nap on my very comfortable bed, custom made just for me, and featuring a beautiful flowery bedspread!

I’m tired of TV, I think I will snooze for a little while. My new dad can tell me the conclusion of the movie…

How dare you wake me up – I was just about to catch the rabbit I was chasing in my dream!

I watched TV, I took a nap, and now I have to go to the bathroom. PLEASE!!

Oh, that felt good. I love my new home, and now I’m ready to play again!