Carter - Adopted December, 2007

May 2009 - One of our volunteers ran into Carter and his family, and sent in some photos of this happy boy!

December 2007 - Carter's mom sent in an update on her wonderful boy:

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that Carter whom we adopted the week of Thanksgiving is doing so well. I think he finally believes that we are not going to leave him and he is beginning to actually be relaxed. He definitely has a preference for me over my husband - much to his sorrow - but we are working on that. He has only recently started to play on his own. His preference has been to be in constant physical contact with me. He was very thin when he first arrived and has been steadily gaining weight. He is now up to 44 lbs and definitely has more energy than when he first arrived. He and our cat Josie now have a game of chase-hide-pounce which he thinks is great fun. But mostly my boy is a love bug and just wants to hang with us (me). I tell him every night when he is lying next to me that he is home for good now. Thanks so much to you all and to Sara who fostered him.